Winners & Losers tells the stories of some of the most innovative businesses of recent times, explaining how a few succeeded in creating and dominating entirely new markets while so many others failed. It shows how Amazon and Google rose from nothing to enormous heights while IBM, Kodak, and AOL plummeted from them; how Nokia bounced from near bankruptcy to global leadership; and it charts the incredible rise, fall, and rise again of Apple.
Kieran Levis explains why the digital revolution has meant so much to creative destruction; how unfamiliar competitors, disruptive technologies, and bizarre business models have brought down apparently unassailable market leaders; how some winners got such a grip on customers that they took almost all of them; and how meteoric success leads to hubris and often nemesis.
Told with clarity and wit, these dramatic stories reveal what it was about a few winners that enabled them to hold onto their prizes, while the absence of these qualities crippled the losers. About the Author Kieran Levis heads Cortona Consulting, which develops marketing and business strategies in new media and technology markets. He writes for the Financial Times and other publications. This is his second book.