The Adventure of English
The Biography of a Language
Melvyn Bragg travels through Britain to tell the story of how an insignificant German dialect, which only arrived in the country in the fifth century, evolved into a language which is now spoken and understood by more people than any other around the world. We trace English from its humble roots to its flowering in the writing of Shakespeare and his contemporaries.
English is a global language. Every day, in cities all around the world, English is used in encounters between people of different countries. It is estimated that well over a thousand million people around the world speak, or have a working understanding of, English.
This is its story. It's a story that really reads like an adventure of extraordinary survival, invasion, near extinction on more than one occasion, and astonishing flexibility.
Engaging enough for 12 year olds to Senior citizens.
Part 1: Birth of a Language
Part 2: English Goes Underground
Part 3: Battle for the Language of the Bible
Part 4: This Earth, this Realm, this England
Part 5: English in America
Part 6: Speaking Proper
Part 7: The Language of Empire
Part 8: Many Tongues Called English