VOCABULARY IS A FUNDAMENTAL COMPONENT OF COMPREHENDING TEXT. It is also basic to knowledge acquisition in any topic. Without a rich vocabulary, individuals are limited in their participation in the workplace and their communities.
Workplace English Training E-Magazine is an online monthly magazine for people who want to learn business English or improve their business English. Includes hundreds of online lessons, scripts, interactive exercises, audio and video podcasts and more.
501+ Great Interview Questions For Employers and the Best Answers for Prospective Employees
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 4 May 2015
For anyone who hires employees this is a must have book. It is also essential for anyone searching for a new job. This new book contains a wide variety of carefully worded questions that will help make the employee search easier. These questions can help you determine a candidates personality type, the type of work he or she is best suited for, and if the person will mesh with your existing employees and workplace
Improve your workplace and start enjoying your life. You're no idiot, of course. You mastered the basic rules of kindergarten - sharing, cooperating, being honest-and have attained a certain level of responsibility as a result. It shouldn't be hard for everyone to be productive and get along, but a couple (or maybe more than a couple) of people are disrupting the workplace and making your job a nightmare. You have to admit it, you're almost at the end of your rope.
Manage stress and boost your productivity at work using mindfulness Mindfulness at Work Essentials For Dummies explores the many benefits of utilising mindfulness techniques in the workplace, offering managers, HR professionals and businesspeople of all levels guidance on how mindfulness can help with the development of core business skills. You'll discover the key concepts of mindfulness and quickly grasp how its implementation in the workplace is a win-win for you, your team and your organisation as a whole.