You may think you know the story of the Ugly Duckling, but think again. In the capable hands of his alter ego Maynard Moose, storyteller Willy Claflin takes us on a wacky journey where this Uglified Ducky, a hapless young moose, "blunders away" from his home, is mistaken for a baby duck, and endures endless humiliation as he tries to learn to waddle, quack, swim, and fly. Eventually, he finds his true "fambly," who helps him discover his own beauty.
Howard Zinn - A People's History of the United States
This great book should really be read by everyone. It is difficult to describe why it so great because it both teaches and inspires. You really just have to read it. We think it is so good that it demands to be as accessible as possible. Once you've finished it, we're sure you'll agree. In fact, years ago, we would offer people twenty dollars if they read the book and didn't think it was completely worth their time. Of all the people who took us up on it, no one collected.
A Time To Kill Jake Brigance, an ambitious young lawyer, agrees to defend Carl Lee. Can he possibly get Carl Lee off? Does Carl Lee deserve to go free? The Ku Klux Klan certainly don't think so. The attention of all of America is focused on the trial . . .
Think aloud as you read from a novel, a textbook, or any kind of book and watch your students become confident, fluent readers! With this simple, powerful technique, you can show students how you use strategies such as inferring, visualizing, and summarizing. Finally, students can "see" what good readers do and apply it to their own reading process. Think alouds are great for struggling readers, because they make reading an active, social experience. Includes engaging activities like Open Mind, Fish Bowl, Thought Bubbles, Post its, and more. For use with Grades 3-8.