This book explores how high-stakes tests mandated by No Child Left Behind have become de facto language policy in U.S. schools, detailing how testing has shaped curriculum and instruction, and the myriad ways that tests are now a defining force in the daily lives of English Language Learners and the educators who serve them.
The New Edition of Market Leader Pre IntermediateTeacher's Resource Book includes a Test Master CD-ROM which provides an invaluable testing resource to accompany the course. * The tests are based strictly on the content of the corresponding level of Market Leader New Editions, providing a fair measure of student's progress. * An interactive menu makes it easy to find the test you are looking for. * Keys and audio scripts are provided to make marking the tests as straightforward as possible. * Most tests come in A and B versions. This makes it easier for you to invigilate the test by making it harder for students to copy from each other. DOC version added Thanks to fmaria!