Handbook of Developmental Systems Theory and Methodology
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 2 July 2016
Developmental systems theory provides powerful tools for predicting complex, dynamic interactions among biological and environmental processes in human behavior and health. This groundbreaking handbook provides a roadmap for integrating key concepts of developmental systems theory (such as self-organization, reciprocal dynamic interaction, and probabilistic epigenesis) and simulation models (connectionist and agent-based models) with advanced dynamic modeling approaches for testing these theories and models.
This book presents recent developments in automatic text analysis. Providing an overview of linguistic modeling, it collects contributions of authors from a multidisciplinary area that focus on the topic of automatic text analysis from different perspectives. It includes chapters on cognitive modeling and visual systems modeling, and contributes to the computational linguistic and information theoretical grounding of automatic text analysis.
Fully updated and revised, and now including new contributions from research in South East Asia, the Middle East, China, Japan, Australasia, and North America, the new edition of this handbook analyses the origins, interpretations and contributions of international education and explores key contemporary developments, including: internationalism in the context of teaching and learning leadership, standards and quality in institutions and systems of education the promotion of internationalism in national systems
The definitive textbook for Power Systems students, providing a grounding in essential power system theory while also focusing on practical power engineering applications. Electric Power Systems has been an essential book in power systems engineering for over thirty years. Bringing the content firmly up-to-date whilst still retaining the flavour of Weedy's extremely popular original, this Fifth Edition has been revised by experts Nick Jenkins, Janaka Ekanayake and Goran Strbac. This wide-ranging text still covers all of the fundamental power systems subjects but is now expanded to cover increasingly important topics like climate change and renewable power generation.
This is a basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra. Emphasis is given to topics that will be useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, similarity, and positive definite matrices.