Written by ESOL examiners with many years’ experience of setting and marking FCE, Top Tips for FCE provides candidates with essential advice (‘tips’) for each of the five FCE papers and comes in a convenient A5 format which is easy to use.
Students can work through the book and then practise what they have learned by trying the real exam paper on the accompanying CD-ROM (including the recordings for the Listening paper and the answers). The CD-ROM also includes video of real students taking the test.
Iain Banks' daring new novel opens in a loft apartment in the East End, in a former factory due to be knocked down in a few days. Ken Nott is a devoutly contrarian vaguely left wing radio shock-jock living in LondonAfter a wedding breakfast people start dropping fruits from a balcony on to a deserted carpark ten storeys below, then they start dropping other things;
Physics2000 is a calculus based, college level introduc- tory physics course that is designed to include twentieth century physics throughout. This is made possible by introducing Einstein’s special theory of relativity in the first chapter. This way, students start off with a modern picture of how space and time behave, and are prepared to approach topics such as mass and energy from a modern point of view.
Witty, charismatic Jason Steadman is a 30-year-old sales executive working for an electronics giant. He's well liked at the office, but he lacks the "killer instinct" necessary to move up the corporate ladder. To the chagrin of his ambitious wife, it looks as if his career has hit a ceiling. But all that will change one evening when Jason meets Kurt Semko, a former Special Forces officer, and gets Kurt a job in Corporate Security. Soon, good things start to happen for Jason and bad things start to happen to Jason's rivals.
Red-Hot Selling: Power Techniques That Win Even the Toughest Sale
No matter what, where, and to whom you sell, everything you do fits into one of three phases of the sales process: Planning, Execution, and, Closing. True red-hot sellers know exactly what each phase encompasses, and the rest of us can learn in the time it takes to read this ultra-practical book. "Red-Hot Selling" presents a simple, start-to-finish sales process for new sales professionals and veterans alike.