By addressing the issue of food and eating today, Food, Health and Identity considers the way in which food habits are changing, and shows how social and personal identities and perceptions of health risk influence choice. In reviewing some of the existing literature on the subject, this book discusses how social scientists can help us understand why people eat what they do. Some of the chapters cover the family meal, wedding cakes, the rise of vegetarianism, and creation of individual identity through lifestyle.
Promoting Emotional Education: Engaging Children and Young People With Social, Emotional, and Behavioural Difficulties (The 'innovative Learning for AUnlike IQ, emotional competence can be nurtured and developed, and is a key factor in physical and mental health, social competence, academic achievement and other aspects in the personal and social development of children and young people. "Promoting Emotional Education" connects with the contemporary shift from an exclusively academic focus towards a more balanced and broader approach to education, with an emphasis on both academic and emotional literacy.
Bertrand Russell was renowned for his provocative views on education. Considered an educational innovator, Russell attempted to create the perfect learning institution. Despite the failure of this practical vision, it did not stop him from continuing to strive towards inventing and arguing for a system of education free from repression. In Education and the Social Order, Russell dissects the motives behind educational theory and practice, and in doing so lays out original and controversial arguments for the reformation of the education of the individual.
Emotions across Languages and Cultures by Anna Wierzbicka
In this ground-breaking book, Anna Wierzbicka brings psychological, anthropological and lingusitic insights to bear on our understanding of the way emotions are expressed and experienced in different cultures, languages, and social relations.
101 Tips For Graduates: A Code Of Conduct For Success And Happiness In Your Professional Life
Graduation is an emotional and challenging time, and having a trusted source to turn to for guidance can help graduates get a head start. 101 Tips for Graduates is the perfect handbook for those heading into the work force or onto higher education. Outlined here are the key principles everyone needs to know about work skills, communications skills, leadership skills, social skills, self-discipline, and demonstrating a positive attitude.