Winning Edge Trading: Successful and Profitable Short and Long-Term Systems and StrategiesAn innovative and comprehensive approach to profitable trading in these turbulent times
Winning Edge Trading shows how to trade any market for great profits. Using the unique and innovative trading strategies and systems outlined here, you can trade stocks, ETFs, and futures to achieve market-beating returns. Written by system developer Dr. Ned Gandevani, this book provides an antidote to active investors and traders who are frustrated by stagnant and declining markets.
Kropf follows a preschool class through the preparation of a traditional meal to a reenactment of the story of Passover to the songs that conclude the classroom festivities. Each page in the small-format book includes a full-color photo and line or two of large-print text. One page shows two girls cutting apples and nuts for the charoset using plastic knives.
The Unofficial Guide to Washington, D.C. (8th edition)
* Guides travelers to Washington's best cultural and historic sights-and offers helpful hints on how to beat the crowds and avoid long waits * More than 75 in-depth restaurant reviews explain where to find a good meal * Incisive hotel ratings show how to find the best lodgings at the best prices * Shows how to get around, how to see the government work, and where to find parks and outdoor activities
Find the optimal level of stress and wellness for your life and career-the essential guide for women If you're one of the many women juggling the issues and demands of self, home, family, health, and the workplace, stress is one of the most important emotional and physical problems you face every day. Stress is inevitable, but this book shows you how to embrace it and use it. The key lies in learning how to transform harmful reactions into healthy responses.
Truth, Lies, and Online Dating: Secrets to Finding Romance on the Internet
Online dating represents an amazing new way to meet people, but it requires technology skills in addition to social skills. "Truth, Lies, and Online Dating" shows you how you can effectively use your PC, digital camera, word processor and other PC-based tools to effectively market yourself and communicate who you are -- and who you are looking for. It teaches the mechanics of online dating services and shows you how to put each service's search engines to work to find the best dates.