Heal Yourself 101: Get Younger & Never Get Sick Again
The definitive book on self-healing and true health. This is one of the most practical step-by-step manuals ever written to totally transform your life from sickness and disease to total life-long health. This is nothing short of reclaiming the sexy youth we once had. Never get sick again. Ever.
10 Things to Remember to Craft A Sales Letter That Brings Results – Grammar short lesson - 2014 -
A sales letter is a direct mail that persuades readers to buy a specific product or service. But if you look at its role in one’s business, it is more than just a piece of paper. It is even beyond selling and persuading. It is what best-selling author and marketer Seth Godin means with his line:
“Connect, create meaning, make a difference, matter, be missed.”
The rules of capitalization -Grammar short lesson - 2014 -
The rules of capitalization in English can be quite confusing. Most students understand that they should begin a sentence with a capital letter. They also understand that proper nouns (e.g. Mark, Mary) should be capitalized.
However, the most common mistakes occur with national adjectives and the names of languages....
Effective Business Writing: Top Principles and Techniques -Grammar short lesson -2014-
“My success was not just because of hard work.” Porter Gale, author of Your Network is Your Net Worth, in a Forbes interview, revealed that much of her success can be attributed to relationships she made throughout the years.