Improving Your Memory For DummiesPractical tips and techniques make remembering a snap
Jog your memory with exercises to help you at home, at work, anywhere! Whether you are cramming for an exam, have trouble remembering names, or you just want to give your overall memory power a boost, this plain-English guide offers clever tricks to help you remember what you want to remember. You'll discover how your memory works and how to enhance it in all types of situations.
SAT Power Vocab: A Complete Guide to Vocabulary Skills and Strategies for the SAT
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » SAT | 31 August 2017
THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS! Tackle the test with confidence with a complete guide to vocabulary skills and strategies for the SAT. Prepping for the SAT may no longer mean memorizing long word lists, but a strong vocabulary is still essential to scoring well on the exam! SAT Power Vocab give you practical advice for understanding and remembering key vocabulary terms for both the Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math sections.
Remembering Sir J C BoseThe year 2008 marks the centennial birth anniversary of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose who, at a relatively young age, established himself among the ranks of European scientists during the heyday of colonial rule in India. He was one of those great Indian scientists who helped to introduce western science into India. A physicist, a plant electrophysiologist and one of the first few biophysicists in the world, Sir J C Bose was easily 60 years ahead of his time and much of his research that was ignored during his lifetime is now entering the mainstream.
Graded Lessons in English: an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class - Room. The teacher is recommended, before assigning any lesson, to occupy the time of at least two or three recitations, in talking with his pupils about language, always remembering that, in order to secure the interest of his class, he must allow his pupils to take an active part in the exercise.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Exam Materials | 12 September 2008
Do tests make you nervous? Don't worry-you're not alone. Imagine how you'll feel when you're ready to face any test confidently and fully prepared. This book will help you get there! How to Ace any Test shows you how to build efficient test-taking skills and score your best each and every time, whether it's a surprise quiz or a final exam. Featuring sample test questions of all types, tips for scheduling your time and remembering what you studied, and a checklist of top techniques, this hands-on guide includes 7 keys to Success that will help you improve your performance.