Puts everyday weather and weather phenomenons in easy to understand language for kids. Provides answers to such questions about the weather as "What makes the weather?", "Does air have weight?", "How big are hailstones?".
Can poppy seeds make you test positive for heroin? What are goosebumps? Why does asparagus make your wee smell? Does warm milk really help you sleep? Is it actually possible to get scared to death? This book gives the answer to these and many more questions - pretty much everything you've ever wanted to know - but never had enough courage to ask!
Mark Currie brings together theoretical and philosophical ideas about time in his analysis of anticipation and other forms of projection into the future. In the work of such writers as Ali Smith, Ian McEwan, Martin Amis, and Graham Swift, he considers "prolepsis" or "flashforward," in which a character experiences the present as the object of a future memory, and outlines a set of questions about tense and temporal reference that redefines the function of stories in contemporary culture. He also revisits traditional questions about the difference between literature and philosophy in relation to knowledge of time.
Do you already have the ideal mindset, a solid foundation to accomplish all of your hopes and dreams? Some people do. Check the questions below that could have a "yes" for an answer. If you've answered "yes" to less than 5 questions, then you are close to the ideal mindset. If 5 or more questions were answered with a "yes," you will absolutely find benefit in the Ideal Mindset Personal Learning Course, because you have more to accomplish.
Based on scenes from five popular films (Dances with Wolves, Gone with the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird, When Harry Met Sally, and Casablanca), this listening/speaking text develops students' abilities to comprehend authentic material while presenting culturally relevant ideas about people, minority issues, language, and gender. Includes readings with discussion questions, pre- and post-viewing questions about the film, and follow-up activities.