Janice VanCleave's Great Science Project Ideas from Real Kids
There's plenty for you to choose from in this collection of forty terrific science project ideas from real kids, chosen by well-known children's science writer Janice VanCleave. Developing your own science project requires planning, research, and lots of hard work. This book saves you time and effort by showing you how to develop your project from start to finish and offering useful design and presentation techniques. Projects are in an easy-to-follow format, use easy-to-find materials, and include dozens illustrations and diagrams that show you what kinds of charts and graphs to include in your science project and how to set up your project display.
You could spend years trying to read Walter Benjamin's The Arcades Project--after all, he spent much of the last 13 years of his life doing the research. When he committed suicide in 1940, he destroyed his copy of the manuscript, and so for decades the work was believed lost. But another copy turned up, and Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin have translated it into English. It is a complex, fragmentary work--more a series of notes for a book than a book itself--which probes the culture of the Paris arcades...
The patterns of the Southwest have delighted tourists and art lovers for hundreds of years. In this new book by Pam Gresham they are incorporated into the art of chip carving, a marriage that works beautifully! Pam gives the carver many patterns and ideas, while helping them carry out the techniques of layout and execution. The intricacy of the geometric patterns are pleasing to the eye and give the carver a real sense of accomplishment. Each step is illustrated with a color photograph, every project is accompanied by accurate drawings to assist you in laying out the pattern. A gallery of finished projects gives the carver some idea of the limitless possibilities.
Project Management for the Creation of Organisational Value (2011)
Projects and programmes are approved and funded to generate benefits. Project Management for the Creation of Organisational Value proposes a complete framework that seeks to support such an objective – from project selection and definition, through execution, and beyond implementation of deliverables until benefits are secured.Because it is preoccupied with deliverables, accepted project management practice is flawed. Project Management for the Creation of Organisational Value proposes an alternative approach, which seeks a flow of target outcomes for the organisation investing in the project.