Rousseau, the great political theorist and philosopher of education, was an important forerunner of the French Revolution, though his thought was too nuanced and subtle ever to serve as mere ideology. This is the only volume that systematically surveys the full range of Rousseau's activities in politics and education, psychology, anthropology, religion, music, and theater.
Celem tej książki jest zapoznanie czytelników ze słownictwem gospodarki, biznesu i polityki z uwzględnieniem aktualnych zagadnień i terminologii stosowanej w gospodarce rynkowej.
Writing and Society - Literacy, Print and Politics in Britain 1590 - 1660
Writing and Society is a stunning exploration of the relationship between the growth in popular literacy, and the development of new readerships and the authors addressing them. Nigel Wheale looks at the relevant debates in literary critical theory and historiography and the book includes facsimile pages with commentary from the most influential books of the period.
Prudes, Perverts, and Tyrants: Plato's Gorgias and the Politics of Shame
In recent years, most political theorists have agreed that shame shouldn't play any role in democratic politics because it threatens the mutual respect necessary for participation and deliberation. But Christina Tarnopolsky argues that not every kind of shame hurts democracy. In fact, she makes a powerful case that there is a form of shame essential to any critical, moderate, and self-reflexive democratic practice.
Ben Kincaid returns for a new tale of adventure, detection, and courtroom pyrotechnics: Perfect Justice. While vacationing in the Ouachita Mountains, Ben becomes embroiled in volatile small-town politics and a case of homicide fueled by hate. The crime: the brutal murder by a crossbow of a young Vietnamese immigrant.