Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World
Leadership and the New Science launched a revolution by demonstrating that ideas drawn from quantum physics, chaos theory, and molecular biology could improve organizational performance. Margaret Wheatley called for free-flowing information, individual empowerment, relationship networks, and organizational change that evolves organically -- ideas that have become commonplace. Now Wheatley's updated classic, based on her experiences with these ideas in a diverse number of organizations on five continents, is available in paperback.
Verb First: On The Syntax Of Verb-Initial Languages
This collection of papers brings together the most recent crosslinguistic research on the syntax of verb-initial languages. Authors with a variety of theoretical perspectives pursue the questions of how verb-initial order is derived, and how these derivations play into the characteristic syntax of these languages. Major themes in the volume include the role of syntactic category in languages with verb-initial order; the different mechanisms of deriving V-initial order; and the universal correlates of the order.
Added by: deception | Karma: 319.20 | Fiction literature | 12 January 2010
Theodore Dreiser - Jennie Gerhardt
One of the best novels by Teodore Dreiser telling the unhappy story of a working-class woman who accepts all the adversity life visits on her and becomes the mistress of two wealthy and powerful men in order to help her impoverished family.
Added by: tanluan | Karma: 153.34 | Black Hole | 29 December 2009
America the Beautiful 2007
America's obsession with beauty is the subject of filmmaker Darryl Roberts wide-ranging investigative documentary. Using archival footage and interviews with image-makers and beauty battle victims, Roberts reveals how how media, marketers and retailers manipulate women into thinking they must be avid beauty product and service consumers in order to measure up to unattainable standards set by magazine editorials and advertising. The film strongly advocates for women--and the men in their lives--to accept and love themselves as they are.
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Курс для тех, кому английский язык необходим для профессионального общения в сфере ресторанного бизнеса. Ready to Order is for students training to become or working as chefs, bartenders or waiting staff. It provides the language training they need to be operational in the fast-moving food and beverage industry. Aimed at elementary to pre-intermediate levels, Ready to Order features activities suitable for mixed ability groups. ENGLISH ONLY! Audio divided into tracks added Thanks to Brtk19925