There is widespread agreement that schools should contribute to the moral development and character formation of their students. In fact, 80% of US states currently have mandates regarding character education. However, the pervasiveness of the support for moral and character education masks a high degree of controversy surrounding its meaning and methods.
A lively retelling of 35 favorite Greek myths, ranging from the short stories of Phaeton, Arachne and Bellerophon to the longer tales of Jason and his quest for the Golden Fleece, the twelve labors of Hercules, and Theseus and the Minotaur. Provides excellent material for cultivating the child's imagination and quickening his moral sense. Includes a complete guide to the pronunciation and explanation of unfamiliar names.
Extending the work of Jean Piaget, the authors provide a rationale for a sociomoral atmosphere in the early childhood classroom and describe the practical ways in which teachers can cultivate it.
Added by: avrodavies | Karma: 1114.24 | Other | 3 October 2014
"[John Kane's] thoughtful and well-written book....stands as a refreshing effort to come to terms with the inescapably moral character of political life. It is also an important contribution to the academic study of statesmanship. It succeeds in its stated goal of helping to recover a truly capacious sense of political reality, and successfully demonstrates that moral capital is a fact with which any science of politics must come to terms if it is to do justice to the true efficacy of moral prestige and personal character in human affairs." Journal of Democracy.
This volume comprises seventeen essays by Henry E. Allison, one of the world's leading Kant scholars. They cover virtually the full spectrum of Allison's work on Kant, ranging from his epistemology, metaphysics, and moral theory to his views on teleology, political philosophy, the philosophy of history, and the philosophy of religion.