The Facts on File Illustrated Guide to the Human Body: Digestive System
This book is a concise, illustrated guide to the anatomy, physiology, well-being, and disorders of the human digestive system. It has been written and illustrated specially for students and laypeople interested in medicine, health, fitness, and first aid.
Sleep Medicine is one of the fastest growing fields of medicine and of strong interest to neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, pulmonologists, otolaryngologists, and the technologists who perform sleep studies. Almost all of the major medical centers in the US now have centers for sleep disorders. In 2007, sleep medicine will become an official medical subspecialty, with board examinations being administered by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Alternative Treatment for Cancer (Annals of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Cancer treatment has enjoyed half a century of healthy development, relying mainly on surgery, cytotoxic therapy and radiation. Achievements and successes are well reflected in the longer survival period and better quality of life. Nonetheless, cancer still spreads locally, recurs, metastasizes and remains one of the top killers. Instead of concentrating on cancer removal, it has become obvious that supportive measures are also important.
In recent years, the spectrum of therapy for sleep-related breathing disorders has been immensely enriched by numerous innovative surgical procedures and techniques. Deciding which therapy is most appropriate for which patient is often a difficult matter, especially in light of the non-surgical alternatives. This book analyses the efficiency of the recognised surgical procedures; it is rooted in evidence-based medicine. Indications, techniques, complications, and specific follow-up treatments in the realm of sleep medicine have been compiled in the form of a primer.