The Hundred-Year Lie - How Food and Medicine Are Destroying Your Health
Chemicals in everyday products are ruining your health-find out what you can do about it. One hundred years ago, the promise of "a better living through chemistry" was given to consumers, setting us on a slippery slope that introduced thousands of man-made chemicals into our food, water, medicine and environment.
This pdf material will help you and your health-care provider (doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) plan ways to control your asthma. Why? Because with good treatment, almost all people with asthma can live normal, active lives. Prevention is the key. With a few lifestyle changes and medicine, you can learn to prevent serious asthma problems. Together with your provider, you will learn how to reach this goal.
That medicine becomes professionalized at the very moment that literature becomes "Romantic" is an important coincidence, and James Allard makes the most of it. His book restores the physical body to its proper place in Romantic studies by exploring the status of the human body during the period.
Textbook of Palliative Medicine provides an alternative, truly international approach to this rapidly growing specialty. This textbook fills a niche with its evidence-based, multi-professional approach and global perspective ensured by the international team of editors and contributing authors. In the absence of an international curriculum for the study of palliative medicine, this textbook provides essential guidance for those both embarking upon a career in palliative medicine or already established in the field...
The ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine is a fully revised, succinct resource for both novice and experienced medical teachers. It is an excellent introductory text for doctors and other health professionals starting out in their careers as well as offering teaching tips and new perspectives for busy practitioners wishing to keep abreast of developments in medical education.