This book presents unique insights into a significant area of French research relating the learning and teaching of mathematics in school classrooms and their development. Having previously had only glimpses of this work, I have found the book fascinating in its breadth of theory, its links between epistemological, didactic and cognitive perspectives and its comprehensive treatment of student learning of mathematics, classroom activity, the work of teachers and prospective teacher development.
Dr. Hedy Moscovici's life on three continents and her battle with ovarian cancer shaped the unique co-learning and participative leadership perspective on science and mathematics education shared in this book.
"Mathematics: Applications and Concepts" sets the standard in Middle School mathematics. This three-course program provides a unique blend of instruction, daily practice, intervention, standardized test preparation, and practice in reading and writing math, and gets students ready for testing success.
Reading age for native speakers: Middle School students (7th grade)
Beginning with zero itself and concluding with the last great unsolved problem, this book introduces the origins of mathematics from Egyptian fractions to Roman numerals; explains the near mystical significance of pi and primes, Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio; tells you the things they didn’t at school – what calculus, statistics and algebra can actually do, and the very real uses of imaginary numbers...
An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, Third EditionThis classic best-seller by a well-known author introduces mathematics history to math and math education majors. Suggested essay topics and problem studies challenge students. CULTURAL CONNECTIONS sections explain the time and culture in which mathematics developed and evolved. Portraits of mathematicians and material on women in mathematics are of special interest.