Английская грамматика в вопросах и ответах. It Makes All the Difference
Тому же, кто осилит все пособие, не страшны никакие экзамены. В заданиях противопоставляются друг другу два предложения, иногда отличающиеся лишь одной запятой. Ваша задача — установить, есть ли между ними разница, и если есть, то в чем она заключается. Правильный ответ и комментарий автора вы найдете тут же, под заданием. Последовательность, в которой вы будете выполнять задания, не имеет существенного значения.
The main aim of this book is to motivate your child to enjoy learning and to keep on learning. The book is filled with activities and exercises to guide you as you teach and reinforce essential language skills that require the most practice.
Get control over those difficult areas of English grammar Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced English Grammar for ESL Learners is focused on those grammar topics that might pose special problems for you, especially if English is not your first language. Because it targets advanced topics, you will quickly zero in on what holds you back from fluency. And like with all of the bestselling Practice Makes Perfect books, you can practice through exercises and reinforce your knowledge.
Added by: laukings | Karma: 12.62 | Black Hole | 30 April 2014
Topics - Communication - Pre-intermediate
"Topics" presents interesting factual topics in a fun magazine format, motivating students to read in English. The cross-circular nature of the series makes it easy to integrate school subjects with English language learning.
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Learn how to speak English fluently and spontaneously
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation gives you helpful instruction on correct pronunciation, grammar, syntax, and word usage, keeping in mind the typical problems of non-native English speakers like you. Each section includes a series of exercises that gives you extra practice in using new concepts and encourages you to construct personalized conversations. The lessons will reassure even grammar-phobic learners that you can achieve a confident speaking style.