In From Molecule to Metaphor, Jerome Feldman proposes a theory of language and thought that treats language not as an abstract symbol system but as a human biological ability that can be studied as a function of the brain, as vision and motor control are studied. This theory, he writes, is a "bridging theory" that works from extensive knowledge at two ends of a causal chain to explicate the links between. Although the cognitive sciences are revealing much about how our brains produce language and thought, we do not yet know exactly how words are understood or have any methodology for finding out.
This book outlines second language acquisition, the study of the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue. It is designed to make the essentials of this rapidly expanding area accessible to readers encountering it for the first time.
As the title of the series suggests, this is an introduction only and not for people who are already well-versed in second language acquistion theory. This book was really written for those wanting a launching point to further reading or just a quick overview of the main concepts, brief historical developments and some of the terminology.
The origin of our capacity for language is a complex topic, requiring input from many disparate fields, from linguistics to paleoanthropology. Specialists in any one field are often unfamiliar with the evidence from other relevant disciplines. I perceive a need for an integration of knowledge from all relevant fields, outside as well as inside linguistics, in a single work. My purpose in writing this book is to bring together the material needed for such an integration, and to take the first steps towards the synthesis needed for a thorough understanding of the evolution of language.
Concise Encyclopedia of Language and Religion The Concise Encyclopedia of Language and Religion provides the specialist and the general reader with accurate, up-to-date information on every aspect of the crucial interface between language and religion. Easy access to material in over 320 articles by scholars in many fields is provided both in a clear thematic arrangement, and by means of a comprehensive and detailed general index. Discussion of many topics including the creation of special sacred scripts, religious calligraphy, and the use of religious symbols in meditation, magic and elsewhere, is enriched and elucidated by illustrations, diagrams and tables. The Concise Encyclopedia of Language and Religion brings together articles and bibliographic entries drawn from the award-winning Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, all of which have been revised and updated appropriately. These articles are supplemented by a large number of completely new contributions, one of which is an extensive 12,500 word article on 'Basic Concepts and Terms in Linguistics', making this volume accessible to a wide audience.
Audience: For academic researchers, teachers, graduate and postgraduate students in the disciplines of religious studies, theology, linguistic history and sociology.
The most complete book of skill review for Kindergarten. This full-color book provides parents the perfect resource to strengthen the following skills: sight word vocabulary; reading readiness; language arts/phonics; math; basic skills & concepts; time & money; handwriting. Answer key and 300 gold star sticker. Reading level: Ages 4-8