Everything you need to Score Higher on the TOEFL iBT--Guaranteed The TOEFL iBT tests your abilities in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Kaplan's "TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM" presents the most important language skills and strategies you need to succeed on this test. The TOEFL is required worldwide for international students who want to study abroad.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » GRE | 17 January 2018
Kaplan's GRE Prep 2018 guides you through your GRE prep step by step--study Kaplan's proven strategies, boost your math skills, practice your pacing, and become an expert in the exam's computerized format with an online practice test. Kaplan is so certain that GRE Prep 2018 offers all the knowledge you need to excel at the GRE that we guarantee it: After studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the GRE--or you'll get your money back.
Kaplan's ACT English, Reading & Writing Prep provides focused practice and expert tips to help you sharpen your skills so you can face the test with confidence. Kaplan is the Official Partner for Live Online Prep for the ACT. For more information visit kaptest.com/onlinepreplive.Kaplan is so certain that ACT English, Reading & Writing Prep offers the guidance you need that we guarantee it: After studying with our book, you'll score higher on the ACT—or you'll get your money back.
Added by: jurame | Karma: 7.03 | ESP, Medicine | 28 January 2017
KAPLAN USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2017 (ALL)The official Kaplan Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 2 CK cover the comprehensive information you need to ace the USMLE Step 2 and match into the residency of your choice. Up-to-date. Updated annually by Kaplan’s all-star faculty. Complete. Contains over 1,300 pages in 5 full color volumes. Highly illustrated. Includes over 450 color images and tables. Integrated. Packed with bridges between specialties and basic science. Learner-efficient. Organized in outline format with high-yield summary boxes.
Kaplan’s Nursing School Entrance Exams is comprehensive review of all tested material on major nursing school entrance assessments, including the TEAS, HESI, PAX-RN, Kaplan, and PSB-RN exams. With focused review and practice for math, reading comprehension, and science—plus quick-reference resources flagging common mistakes to avoid and important formulas to remember—this effective guide prepares you fully for the first test of your nursing career.