Moving into Healthcare and Nursing is a course for college and university students who need English for their continuing education. It caters for pre-intermediate learners who want to study more effectively and to prepare for a career in healthcare/nursing. It combines carefully controlled development of English-language skills with coverage of key aspects of nursing and healthcare.
Moving into Healthcare & Nursing is a course for college and university students who need English for their continuing education. It caters for pre-intermediate learners who want to study more effectively and to prepare for a career in healthcare and nursing. It combines carefully controlled development of English-language skills with coverage of key aspects of healthcare and nursing. Level: Pre-Intermediate. CEF A2-B1. IELTS 3.0-4.0.
English for Nursing 2: Teacher's Book + Tests (Vocational English)
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Only for teachers | 17 February 2017
English for Nursing combines a strong grammar syllabus with the specialist vocabulary students need to succeed in this area. It contains topics that reflect the latest developments in the field making it immediately relevant to students’ needs. The CD-ROM accompanying the book contains the course book audio and interactive glossaries.
English for Nursing 1 : Teacher's Book + Tests (Vocational English)
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Only for teachers | 8 February 2017
English for Nursing combines a strong grammar syllabus with the specialist vocabulary students need to succeed in this area. It contains topics that reflect the latest developments in the field making it immediately relevant to students’ needs. The CD-ROM accompanying the book contains the course book audio and interactive glossaries.
Kaplan’s Nursing School Entrance Exams is comprehensive review of all tested material on major nursing school entrance assessments, including the TEAS, HESI, PAX-RN, Kaplan, and PSB-RN exams. With focused review and practice for math, reading comprehension, and science—plus quick-reference resources flagging common mistakes to avoid and important formulas to remember—this effective guide prepares you fully for the first test of your nursing career.