 Written by residents, fellows, and attending physicians, this handbook is ideal for residents called on to do an inpatient consult, for students working on an inpatient medicine service, and for specialists seeking information on pulmonology and general internal medicine management. Chapters cover pulmonary function testing, respiratory failure, hemoptysis, solitary pulmonary nodule, community-acquired pneumonia, pulmonary embolus, and much more. |
Tags: Pulmonology, Pharmacology, inpatient consult, internal medicine, pulmonary, inpatient, medicine, Washington, residents, pulmonary, failure |
 Problem Solving in Endocrinology and Metabolism Books in the Problem Solving series present short cases that represent common yet challenging real-life patient scenarios. The problem-based learning approach is of great value for trainees and the continuing medical education needs of experienced doctors. Current literature and guidelines have been reviewed to provide the latest best practice. |
Tags: Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, reproductive endocrinology, Solving, Problem, Metabolism, needs, Endocrinology, Solving |