We all create intellectual property. We all use intellectual property. Intellectual property is the most pervasive yet least understood way we regulate expression. Despite its importance to so many aspects of the global economy and daily life, intellectual property policy remains a confusing and arcane subject. This engaging book clarifies both the basic terms and the major conflicts surrounding these fascinating areas of law, offering a layman's introduction to copyright, patents, trademarks, and other forms of knowledge falling under the purview of intellectual property rights.
Avicenna and Medieval Muslim Philosophy (Audiobook)
Added by: guriy | Karma: 4608.64 | Black Hole | 29 March 2017
Avicenna and Medieval Muslim Philosophy (Audiobook)
For centuries, the works of Aristotle and other Greek thinkers were preserved in the Arabic world, where they profoundly influenced Muslim thinkers who were trying to combine philosophical insight with religious piety. The intellectual range of this great tradition is remarkable: nothing escaped investigation, from details of medicine to the mysteries of God’s nature. Avicenna and Averroes produced philosophical systems that rival the greatest intellectual structures ever built.
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Emily Dickinson's poetry is deeply philosophical. Recognizing that conventional language limited her thought and writing, Dickinson created new poetic forms to pursue the moral and intellectual issues that mattered most to her. This collection situates Dickinson within the rapidly evolving intellectual culture of her time and explores the degree to which her groundbreaking poetry anticipated trends in twentieth-century thought.
Guide to Intellectual Property: What it is, how to protect it, how to exploit it. This comprehensive guide to intellectual property will help companies, investors, and creative thinkers understand the scope and nature of IP issues, pose the right questions to their advisers and maximize the value from this crucial intangible asset.
Edgeworth is regarded as a pioneer in the development of the regional novel and the use of vernacular language. This study investigates her attitudes towards language and regionalism. It shows, by detailed discussion of her major Irish texts - Castle Rackrent, Essay on Irish Bulls, Ennui, The Absentee and Ormond - how her intellectual 'lunar' background, and her life in Ireland during the momentus years of the Union is reflected in the form and language of her writing.