In this book one of the most esteemed contemporary historians of the Middle Ages presents a concise examination of the problem that usury posed for the medieval Church, which had long denounced the lending of money for interest. Jacques Le Goff describes how, as the structure of economic life inevitably began to include financial loans, the Church refashioned its ideology in order to condemn the usurer not to Hell but merely to Purgatory.
Dr. Jensen's Guide to Body Chemistry & Nutrition
Explains the importance of 21 key elements for the human body (from carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen to potassium, magnesium, and copper) and provides information on recommended daily intake. Shows how to include these foods in a daily diet for optimum assimilation.
Extensive, introductory-level, coverage of mechanical properties and failure which is the most important materials considerations for many engineers. * This book judiciously and extensively makes use of illustrations and photographs. The approximate 500 figures include a large number of photographs that shoe the microstructure of various materials.
Industrial Psychology is a comprehensive textbook specially designed to meet the requirements of management and engineering students. The book explores the core concepts of industrial psychology explained through numerous examples. It provides an indepth coverage of the various components of Industrial Psychology that include industrial fatigue, boredom, job satisfaction, stress, time & motion study, leadership, training & development of workers etc.
Provides new and updated figures, references and concept examples to keep you absolutely current - new information has been added on Registration of Clinical Trials, Case-Cohort Design, Case-Crossover Design, and Sources and Impact of Uncertainty (disease topics include: Obesity, Asthma, Thyroid Cancer, Helicobacter Pylori and gastric/duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer, Mammography for women in their forties) - expanded topics include Person-time.