We are all really happy to see lots of volunteer contributors adding their excellent links to perfect resources on a daily basis, which has made englishtips.org popular with learners of English and English instructors/teachers all over the globe. We appreciate your efforts, dear contributors! May I remind the englishtips community members that according to the requirements
all the links inside the posts and in the comments have to be hidden for security reasons? I have to admit that kind of security violation has become so widespread that almost nobody at all seems to apply such an elementary procedure. As a result, the administrators and moderators have to waste their own time desperately trying to locate and hide the links some of you left unhidden.
Does it mean that most of the englishtips community members nave no idea of how to do it? In that case, let me remind you something. (1) HIDING LINKS( WARNING: for that purpose use Internet Explorer only!)
If you do so, only the logged on users will be entitled to view the part of the text and images between the tags you have inserted.
click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized picture. (It is worth noticing that you can type HIDE tags manually , without using “Ñêðûòûé òåêñò =Hidden text” menu option, by placing the tags before and after the text to be hidden. It is also possible to insert the tags
Not registered yet? We'll like you more if you do!
placing it after the last characters of the fragment you are going to hide).
Now that you have done it, press the button ‘Îòïðàâèòü’ ( = send) and that’s it! You have hidden the link successfully!
you are kindly asked to read the rest of the post devoted to
creating interactive links in all your post and comments. Please
click on "
Ïîäðîáíåå" link and go on reading. You can also download that instructions as a pdf file by pressing Ñîãëàñåí button.