Inch by inch, day by day, Scott Carey is getting smaller. Once an unremarkable husband and father, Scott finds himself shrinking with no end in sight. His wife and family turn into unreachable giants, the family cat becomes a predatory menace, and Scott must struggle to survive in a world that seems to be growing ever larger and more perilous--until he faces the ultimate limits of fear and existence.
Tips and Traps for Growing and Maintaining the Perfect Lawn
Every home owner wants a beautiful lawn: thick, healthy grass, carefully manicured to reflect pride of ownership. It's appealing to the eye, and it can increase the value of a property by as much as 15 percent. Not just another home and garden coffee table book, this guide gives you solid solutions and a one-stop resource on how to plan, plant, and maintain a magnificent lawn.
Alex Rider, teenage British secret service agent, returns. This time, a wealthy villain schemes to make millions by creating disasters and then pocketing the money from false relief agencies. Alex discovers the bad guy’s plan to cause famine in Africa, but he is able to expose the fake philanthropist, although he is nearly fed to hungry crocs in the process. Horowitz's series remains on top of the growing genre of YA novels that feature intelligence agencies employing teenagers. He knows how to pace a thriller and delivers one exciting scene after another. Alex Rider fans will rejoice. Grades 6-9.
Teenager Benedict Juliard has no other ambition than to ride in steeplechases as an amateur jockey. Having agreed not to do anything that could destroy his father's growing public service and political career, Ben finds himself targeted in an attack mounted by his father's enemies.
The first book on Prognostics and Health Management of Electronics Recently, the field of prognostics for electronic products has received increased attention due to the potential to provide early warning of system failures, forecast maintenance as needed, and reduce life cycle costs. In response to the subject's growing interest among industry, government, and academic professionals, this book provides a road map to the current challenges and opportunities for research and development in Prognostics and Health Management (PHM).