It has repackaged some of its key academic backlist titles to make them available at a more affordable price. These reissues will have new ISBNs, distinctive jackets and strong branding. They cover a range of subject areas that have a continuing student sale and make great supplementary reading more accessible. This unique book highlights research implications for the teaching and learning of Science.
Ramses II, pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, left an indelible mark on ancient Egypt. Often known as Ramses the Great, his reign was a golden age when political and cultural life thrived. He created spectacular monuments, including the magnificent Abu Simbel temples, the royal city of Piramses, and his mortuary temple Ramesseum. As a military leader, he expanded the Egyptian sovereignty from Nubia in the south to Syria in the west. Brilliant and ambitious, he forged with the Hittite Empire the first-ever peace treaty.
The author offers a brief overview of U.S. history from the Louisiana Purchase to the Census Bureau's 1890 declaration that the frontier was "closed," giving readers an idea of the people and the times, including mapping, the wagon trains, the hardships, the railroad, and home life. Each chapter comprises a general discussion, numerous illustrations, sidebars documenting important people and topics, a glossary of specialized terms, and one or two activities related to the chapter's theme.
Great Ancient China Projects You Can Build Yourself
From Buddhism, feng shui, and porcelain pottery to gunpowder, dynasties, and trade routes, this interactive activity guide explores the incredible ingenuity and history of ancient China with more than 20 hands-on projects. Comprehensive coverage of the ancient culture—everything from the daily lives of both the rich and poor to the history of architecture, dynasties, religion, trade, and science—are combined with step-by-step instructions for creating Chinese inventions with ordinary household materials.
This book looks at medieval society, folklore, and culture between the years 350 to 1450 and provides some hands-on activities along the way. Divided into 12 chapters, the text relates information on kings and queens, knights and armor, warfare, everyday life, and religious life. Projects include making a trebuchet, a marshmallow cannon, some period recipes, and a thatched roof. The material is well written and interesting. The "Words to Know" sections are not consistent in their placement in each chapter..