Read and Write Sports: Readers Theatre and Writing Activities for Grades 3-8
Read and Write Sports: Readers Theatre and Writing Activities for Grades 3–8 makes students forget they're learning by delivering the action and emotion of their favorite pursuits as they participate in readers theatre activities and writing exercises such as composing an action-reaction poem for each sport. These activities allow students to draw from their personal experience and bring their extracurricular activities into the classroom by writing a narrative scene for different sports throughout the school year.
Eight lessons for children in grades 4 & 5 including averaging numbers, syllables, doubling consonants, fact or opinion, problem solving, map reading, verb tense, and correct usage of the words there, their and they're.
The Thinking and Study Skills booklets provide help with analyzing and synthesizing data, methods in using graphic organizers and reference material, and ways to implement study strategies and test-taking skills. Answers are included.
We are what we eat, right? So once we finish our lunch, where does it go? Follow the path of the food we eat, and learn how our amazing bodies break down our food to give us the essential nutrients we need to survive. Explore the stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines and kidneys to learn how they work to keep our bodies going. These concepts are clearly illustrated with vivid graphics and illustrations.
This book consists of tried and tested collaborative lesson plans for teacher librarians to use when planning lessons with classroom teachers to use with students in the primary grades. These lessons integrate research skills instruction with curriculum standards in science and social studies. Lessons are developed using standard reference materials such as biography, atlas, encyclopedia, and the almanac. Each lesson contains all patterns, worksheets, and plans necessary to immediately implement the lesson.This book consists of tried and tested collaborative lesson plans for teacher librarians to use when planning lessons with classroom teachers to use with students in the primary grades.