Put your general knowledge to the test with The Great Book of World Facts, Lists & Quizzes! With over 650 pages of facts and questions on everything under the sun, from History, Geography, Science & Technology to TV, Cinema and Sport, there is plenty to entertain general
knowledge fans of all ages. Packed with testing questions, original facts and comprehensive lists, this is the ultimate general knowledge compendium.
Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages - Vol. 1 + 2
Perhaps no part of the history of civilization is more interesting than the varying changes in dress and fashion. The different tribes who settled in the provinces of the Roman Empire, after its final dislocation, appear in general to have adopted the civil costume of the conquered Romans, whilst they probably retained with tenacity the arms and military customs of their forefathers. There was thus a general resemblance between the dress of the Anglo-Saxons, the Franks, and other : nations of the west. Among the Anglo-Saxons this dress was preserved, with very little alteration, till the latest period of their sovereignty.
In 1864 Petersburg, Virginia became the setting for one of the last great campaigns of the United States Civil War and the longest siege in American History. After his failure to capture Richmond in the Spring, General Ulysses S. Grant decided to strangle the life out of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia by surrounding the city of Petersburg and cutting off General Robert E. Lee's supply lines.
Fundamentals of General Topology: Problems and Exercises
`This problem set is carefully designed; if the student goes through all the problems in the book then at the end he is familiar with almost all basic notions in general topology. In addition to this, he knows more what mathematics is about than can be expected of a student taking an ordinary course in general topology. This book is well written and will be of lasting importance to both teachers and students in general topology.' Zentralblatt für Mathematik, 568 (1986)