Ever since the USS Walker came from another world war to defy the terrifying Grik and diabolical Dominion, Matt Reddy and his crew have given their all to protect the oppressed Lemurians. But with the Walker in desperate need of repairs just as the Grik's first general is poised to strike, Reddy is desperate.
First Steps in English: intensywny kurs języka angielskiego dla początkujących i średnio zaawansowanych
Prawdopodobnie najlepszy kurs języka angielskiego przygotowany dla Polaków! W skład jego wchodzą nagrania na 24 kasetach (po ok. 40 minut każda) oraz podręczniki (1 podręcznik dla 4 kaset). Każda kaseta to 4-6 godzin intensywnej nauki, ale zaletą kursu jest konwersacyjna metoda nauki języka i nagrania dokonywane przez rodowitych Brytyjczyków - czyli kurs uczy praktyczniej umiejętności konwersacyjnej w mniejszym stopniu skupiając się na gramtatyce.
First Certificate - Sample Examination Papers - 2015 Standard
The set offers four complete tests in the style and format of the revised First Certificate examination, together with additional support. Includes detailed guidance on how to approach each question in all five papers. This support is followed up with regular reminders and hints on strategy. The key facts about the FCE Examination are given in a lively introductory section. The explanatory notes and guidance in examination strategies enable the student to benefit from the practice tests in a way which promotes confidence.
This book offers authentic practice of the First Certificate Exam.
The book includes five practice tests which provide step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise the students' chances of excelling. It all in all provides FCE candidates with plenty of practice opportunities, taking into account the new format of the exam (starting January 2015)
Star is an Interstellar Council judge. Her position requires her to pass sentence, hunt down the offenders, and administer punishments. She’s considered one of the best, and if she plays her cards right, she just might become the first of the Hunter species to ascend to the Supreme Court–her life’s goal.