All students want to succeed and you want to create great lessons so that they can do so. Both you and your students now have the opportunity to make every lesson successful. Your Students will enjoy every minute of their course, thanks to the inspiring and up-to-date topics and Culture Shocks will be motivated and self-confident in their use of English with activities that help students both understand (Work it Out) and internalise grammar rules (Check it Out) and avoid common mistakes (Mind the Trap)
An expanded and updated revision of the already comprehensive first edition, The Magazine Writer’s Handbook offers insightful strategies addressing virtually every aspect of writing a magazine article for publication. Designed to be useful for both experienced magazine writers and those seeking to break into the magazine-writing industry, this handbook provides an exhaustive step-by-step approach taking the reader through every stage of the publication process.
“…an awesome tour d’horizon of modern war, violence, and confrontation within and between nations. Illustrating via just about every conflict in every corner of the world, the author invokes an endless array of insights and interpretations, ranging from the micro to the macro, beautifully written in a seamless sequence of closely linked and discursive essays.”
Every Child Matters: A Practical Guide for TeachersIn this groundbreaking and forward-looking resource, Rita Cheminais clearly explains the impact of the Every Child Matters agenda for teachers working in a range of educational settings. Based on the latest national legislation and developments in education, the book provides an up-to-the-minute guide on how to respond to the exciting challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for teachers as extended schools develop.
Facts On File - Encyclopedia Of North American Immigration
The transformation of the culture of the North American continent since the 15th century is one of the great historical events of the past 500 years. For good or bad, it has shaped the destinies of millions of people of all races, transformed the nature of international politics, and altered the concept of personal possibilities in every country. The magnitude and diversity of the migration to North America has made analysis of the process as a whole quite difficult