Understanding Children's Mathematical Graphics: Beginnings in Play
Published: 2011
Pages: 234
Key features include:
- Numerous new examples and case studies of children from birth to 6 years,highlighting the complexity and richness of children's thinking
- Explanation of pedagogical issues - showing how they can support rich play and mathematics
- Draws on the authors' latest research
This book is valuable reading for students, teachers, primary mathematics coordinators' and all early years' professionals working in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.
INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, 6/E, provides a comprehensive overview of early childhood education that is solidly based on current research and theories. Grounded in constructivist theory but also covering other perspectives, the text focuses on developmentally appropriate practices for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, early elementary schoolchildren, and children with disabilities. The majority of the text examines curriculum and the fostering of creativity, as well as physical, cognitive, language, and social development--and every facet of early childhood education is examined and explained.
Start Smart! Building Brain Power in the Early Years
Did you know that emotions boost our memory? Or that small muscle exercises help the brain develop? Early experiences contribute to the structure of the brain and its capacities. The quality, quantity, and consistency of stimulation will determine, to a large extent, the number of brain synapses that are formed and how those connections will function. This is true for both cognitive and emotional development, and the effect is lifelong.
Reading level: Ages 4-8 Be a word detective. Can you find these words as you read about light? Be a detective and try to figure out what they mean. You can turn to the glossary on page 46 for help.
Bugs Busy Book 2 Audio Cd for the Book Big Bugs 1 and 2 provide continuity and progression by recycling and developing language learnt at the early stages of primary and this CD is a part of the Student's Book