The issue of teacher quality is increasingly seen as being central to education policy development and this emphasis highlights the role teacher professional development plays in improving teacher effectiveness and the quality of learning in the classroom. This book describes a large-scale research program which investigated the feasibility of using student perceptual measures as the basis for teacher development and classroom improvement. The book describes how teachers' use of the student feedback, as part of an action-research process, was used to guide improvements to their respective classrooms which in turn provided them with increased opportunities for teacher development and growth.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Medicine | 21 August 2014
Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, 7e by Barbara Janson Cohen uses a stepwise approach to learning medical terminology. Part 1 describes how medical terms are built from word parts; Part 2 introduces body structures, diseases, and treatments; and Part 3 describes each body system.
In The Language of Bribery Cases, Roger W. Shuy analyzes the role that language plays in bribery cases. He describes twelve court cases for which he served as an expert witness or consultant and explains the issues at stake in each of these cases, for both lawyers and linguists. The cases described include the bribery or alleged bribery of United States senators, congressmen, judges, businessmen, and brothel owners. Shuy describes the often-unused linguistic analytical tools that are available to both the prosecution and defense as they argue these cases.
Herman Hesse's 1922 Bildungsroman parallels the life of Buddha and seems to argue that lessons cannot be taught but come from one's own struggle to find truth. Siddhartha is that most unusual of all stories - one that follows a character throughout most of his life . . . and describes that life in terms of a spiritual journey.
Wildlife Rescue informs readers about the rehabilitation of injured animals. It tells readers what to do if they find an injured animal and describes the many steps that are taken to rehabilitate these animals. The book also describes disaster rescues and the release of rehabilitated wildlife. A lesson plan, discussion cards, worksheets, quick check, and answer sheet are included.