Contact Dermatitis 5th ed.
The fifth edition delivers up-to-date coverage of every conceivable aspect in modern-day management of contact dermatitis. Leading experts have thoroughly updated the previous edition, while adding new chapters on genetics, the skin barrier, respiratory symptoms to chemicals and an extensive section on prevention. Both irritant and allergic contact dermatitis are covered with special emphasis on immunological mechanisms, molecular aspects of sensitizers, atypical clinical forms, reactions to medicaments, occupational and environmental aspects. |
Tags: contact, aspects, edition, dermatitis, mechanisms, aspects, Contact, contact, Dermatitis |
 Textbook of Atopic Dermatitis By Sakari Reitamo, Thomas A. Luger, Martin Steinhoff, Thomas Luger Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema is an extremely common skin disease characterized by red patches, dry, scaling or crusting skin, and intense itch. |
Tags: Atopic, Thomas, Textbook, Dermatitis, Luger |