American Women Poets 1650-1950 (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
This volume gathers together what Harold Bloom considers the best criticism on the principal American women poets. Examined is the work of Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Gertrude Stein, H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), Marianne Moore, and Louise Bogan.
This title, American Women Poets (16501950), part of Chelsea House Publishers’ Modern Critical Views series, examines the major works of American Women Poets (1650-1950) through full-length critical essays by expert literary critics.
Aldous Huxley has been called the 20th century's answer to the Renaissance thinker. He gained fame from his utopian and dystopian fiction, including Brave New World, Point Counter Point, Crome Yellow, and Ape and Essence. Learn more about Huxley through the work of respected critics included in this text.
This title, Aldous Huxley, part of Chelsea House Publishers’ Modern Critical Views series, examines the major works of Aldous Huxley through full-length critical essays by expert literary critics.
A champion for African-American and women's rights, Alice Walker reflects her beliefs in her passionate writing. Walker is best known for her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "The Color Purple", a compelling work that boldly tackles the issues of racism and sexism in the rural South. "Alice Walker, New Edition" features a penetrating introduction by Harold Bloom that helps set the stage for this comprehensive critical portrait of one of the most influential writers of the last 30 years.
Romantic poet, John Keats was only 25 when he died of tuberculosis, but his work has achieved canonical status. Poet and critic Matthew Arnold said of Keats, "In the faculty of naturalistic interpretation, in what we call natural magic, he ranks with Shakespeare." Keats' more recognizable poems include "Ode on a Grecian Urn," "Ode to a Nightingale," and "Ode on Melancholy." Updated with all-new, full-length critical essays selected by Harold Bloom, this volume will draw students into an in-depth study of the brilliant young poet.
A comprehensive research and study guide for several novels by Charles Dickens, including plot summaries, thematic analyses, lists of characters, and critical views.