There is an increasing awareness in linguistics that linguistic patterns can be explained with recourse to general cognitive processes. The contributions collected in this volume pursue such a usage-based cognitive linguistic approach by presenting empirical investigations of lexical and grammatical patterns and probing into their implications for the relations between language structure, use and cognition.
A union of Cognitive Linguistics and Sociolinguistics was bound to happen. Both proclaim a usage-based approach to language and aim to analyse actual language use in objective ways. Whereas Sociolinguistics is by nature on the outlook for language in its variety, CL can no longer afford to ignore social variation in language as it manifests itself in the usage data. Nor can it fail to adopt an empirical methodology that reflects variation as it actually occurs, beyond the limited knowledge of the individual observer.
This volume aims to provide a broad view of second language acquisition, from initial to final stages. It does this within a comparative perspective that addresses results concerning adult and child learners across a variety of source and target languages, in order to assess the relative weight of cognitive and typological determinants during language learning.
TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks as well as studies that provide new insights by building bridges to neighbouring fields such as neuroscience and cognitive science.
A translation of the renowned French reference book, Vocabulaire de sciences cognitives , the Dictionary of Cognitive Science presents comprehensive definitions in more than 120 subjects. Topics range from 'Abduction' to 'Writing', and each entry is covered from as many perspectives as possible within the domains of psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics. The editor and his advisory board, each a specialist in one of these areas, have brought together 60 internationally recognized scholars to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of the most current and dynamic thinking in the cognitive sciences.