Michael Freeman's Perfect Exposure: The Professional's Guide to Capturing Perfect Digital Photographs
Clear, direct and guaranteed, the perfect exposure method looks at the way professionals work, and lays out the decisions and sequences with absolute clarity, while incorporating the latest, powerful post-processing techniques. Chosing the exposure for a photograph is infinitely complex and one of photography's most absorbing paradoxes because it affects everything in the image and its effect on the viewer.
Asteroids, Meteorites, and Comets, Revised Edition (The Solar System)
In the 19th century when asteroids were first discovered, the continuum of sizes in the solar system was not understood, because many people thought of the solar system as a Sun orbited by nine planets. However, as observers' abilities to see smaller and smaller bodies in the solar system improves because of better instrumentation,
When slavery has torn apart one's heritage, when the past is more real than the present, when the rage of a dead baby can literally rock a house, then the traditional novel is no longer an adequate instrument. And so Pulitzer Prize-winner Beloved is written in bits and images, smashed like a mirror on the floor and left for the reader to put together.
Human Vision and The Night Sky: How to Improve Your Observing Skills
This book is intended for amateur astronomers who are readers of Sky & Telescope magazine or similar astronomy periodicals – or are at least at the same level of knowledge and enthusiasm. In particular, those of us who have reached a point where enjoyment is fading because the challenges have run out will appreciate it, because it takes such people to the "next level" in observational astronomy.
Zero-in on exactly what you must know to pass the OMM section of the COMLEX with this unique student-to-student guide "As a test preparation book, this is a distillation of the OMM concepts and techniques that are considered pertinent to the examination. This is a very worthy idea primarily because of the limited number of comprehensive textbooks in OMM....