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Effortless English • Full 6 DVDs (2019)

Effortless English • Full 6 DVDs (2019)Effortless English • Full 6 DVDs (2019)

Now is the Time for You to Speak English Confidently. Study These Powerful English Lessons and Improve Your English Speaking! Explore this Site and Discover a New Method To Help You Speak English With Power and Confidence! Do you feel embarrassed, nervous or shy when you try to speak or understand English? It is NOT Your Fault! Most classes and teachers are using old methods, old lessons, and old textbooks that are boring. With this new method you can finally enjoy English and learn to speak powerfully! You can feel more relaxed, happy, and confident when you speak English.
Tags: English, speak, Speak, textbooks, boring, Effortless, lessons
EAP - A course in English for Academic Purposes - Upper-Intermediate B2

Oxford EAP - A course in English for Academic Purposes - Upper-Intermediate B2Oxford EAP - A course in English for Academic Purposes - Upper-Intermediate B2A brand new EAP course from Oxford offering an integrated approach to teaching English for Academic Purposes and authentic texts from Oxford textbooks.

Oxford EAP develops the essential skills and academic language for learners who are preparing to study in English at university level, from foundation courses to postgraduate research.

With authentic content from Oxford textbooks and videos of lecture extracts, Oxford EAP is an ideal course for learners from a wide range of disciplines. Its clear structure and user-friendly approach make it an ideal resource for experienced EAP tutors as well as teachers who are starting out in the field.

Tags: Oxford, English, course, authentic, textbooks, Purposes, Academic
English Lit 101

English Lit 101English Lit 101

From Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Charles Dickens' Tiny Tim to Jane Austen's Mr. Darcy and Shakespeare's Juliet, British authors have created some of the most compelling characters in all of literature. But too often, textbooks reduce these vibrant voices to boring summaries that would put even an English dean to sleep.
Tags: English, these, reduce, textbooks, vibrant, literature
Writing with style-Conversations on the art of writing

Writing with style-Conversations on the art of writingWriting with style-Conversations on the art of writing

Their textbooks haven’t explained the basics to them in language they could readily understand, or even care to understand.

Others, perhaps, are victims of overlong textbooks, self-defeating in their glorious comprehensiveness. (Who, after all, can distinguish the fundamental from the trivial after trudging through 500 pages of technical lore, however well presented?) My hope is that this book-an informal, compact, practical little book styled after my own writing conferences- answers the wish for a “survival kit.” I’ve stocked it with emergency provisions especially useful to those of you lost in the jungles of essay-writing.

Tags: after, understand, writing, textbooks, styled, Writing
The Grammar and Lexis of Conversational Informal English in Advanced Textbooks

The Grammar and Lexis of Conversational Informal English in Advanced TextbooksThe Grammar and Lexis of Conversational Informal English in Advanced Textbooks

The book is divided into seven chapters in which various different linguistic aspects of conversation are dealt with. In the opening chapters, spoken language is presented and approached as a multidimensional entity, particularly as the sum of lexico-syntactic and socio-linguistic elements....
Tags: chapters, socio-linguistic, elements, lexico-syntactic, particularly, Grammar, Textbooks, English, Advanced