For more than a decade, Katherine Zoepf has lived in or traveled throughout the Arab world, reporting on the lives of women, whose role in the region has never been more in flux. Only a generation ago, female adolescence as we know it in the West did not exist in the Middle East. There were only children and married women. Today, young Arab women outnumber men in universities, and a few are beginning to face down religious and social tradition in order to live independently, to delay marriage, and to pursue professional goals.
The traditional hierarchy of business leadership is being proven more and more each year to be unsustainable.
In an economy where innovation is king, companies find it much more difficult to create competitive advantages when ideas, solutions, and strategies flow from the top down. In Break Through to Yes, Dave Savage offers 10 steps to heading a company in the right direction.
Discover the best 25 ways on how to use coconut oil for beauty, hair, health, increasing energy, and losing weight. These are the best 25 ways to create lasting health in your body with coconut oil!
How important is luck in economic success? No question more reliably divides conservatives from liberals. As conservatives correctly observe, people who amass great fortunes are almost always talented and hardworking. But liberals are also correct to note that countless others have those same qualities yet never earn much.
The Monks of New Skete are known for their unique approach to raising and training dogs; they maintain the philosophy that "understanding is the key to communication, compassion, and communion" with your dog.