From Pole to Pole This stunning interactive 3D World Atlas is a complete, concise and exciting way to explore the world. Featuring over half a million mapped locations, the 3D World Atlas provides a level of detail to satisfy even the most demanding researcher. Discover in-depth geographical information on natural disasters, landscape formation and global climate. Or read comprehensive articles and statistics for almost 200 countries, with overviews that cover politics, media, crime, history and more!
"Atlas of the North American Indian, Third Edition" chronicles the travel and experiences of Native Americans from the first voyage to North America to the present day. This new edition now features a bold full-color format and is bolstered by more than 120 full-color, detailed maps that cover important locations for American Indians, as well as highlighting their interactions with European colonists and other non-Native people. In addition, the updated text details the history, traditions, conflicts, land cessions, and contemporary ways of life for American Indians.
Atlas of Procedures in Surgical Oncology With Critical, Evidence-based Commentary Notes
This unique book presents a series of concisely written technical notes on common procedures in surgical oncology. Each operation is illustrated with pictures framing precise technical points. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM that includes video clips of the procedures. Written by top European experts, this volume will provide an invaluable resource for young surgical oncologists to familiarize with technical details, develop a critical approach and expand their surgical skills.
B. Saunders. Univ. of Calfornia School of Medicine, San Francisco. Atlas of surgical technique for urologists. Extensive halftone line drawings with commentary. Previous edition: c1989. 171 contributors, 125 U.S. DNLM: Urogenital System--surgery--atlases. Summary: An essential atlas for the urologic surgeon! Rating: 5
Featuring more than 1,100 full-color illustrations, this atlas is a visual guide to the diagnosis and management of medical and surgical emergencies. Emergency medicine depends on fast, accurate interpretation of visual cues, making this atlas an invaluable tool.