Point Made - How to Write Like the Nation’s Top Advocates
With Point Made, legal writing expert Ross Guberman throws a life preserver to attorneys, who are under more pressure than ever to produce compelling prose. What is the strongest opening for a motion or brief? How to draft winning headings? How to tell a persuasive story when the record is dry and dense? The answers are "more science than art," says Guberman, who has analyzed stellar arguments by distinguished attorneys to develop step-by-step instructions for achieving the results you want.
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest in That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not
Added by: honhungoc | Karma: 8663.28 | Black Hole | 22 March 2011
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest in That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not
Much of the book is told in dialogues between young Kiyosaki and his rich dad, and these conversations can ramble. There are rewards for the careful reader--for example, in the middle of a section on the basic rules of investing, Kiyosaki's rich dad compares investor education to toilet training: difficult at first but eventually automatic. But getting to these inspired metaphors means wading through a lot of repetitive dialogue. It's a bit ironic that someone who advocates investor discipline should show so little as a writer. But by the end of the book, even the rambling starts to make sense.
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Course No. 4878 "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, ..." — U.S. Constitution While those words were written over 200 years ago, recent years have seen an explosion of interest in and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Its authority and stature are routinely invoked by voices from every point on the political spectrum who seek to defend their views on issues ranging from separation of powers to the proper role of the Supreme Court to legitimate interpretations of the Bill of Rights, with frequent references to the Founding Fathers and their true "intent."
Utilizing Foucault's genealogical method, this book traces the history and development of the victim from feudal law, arguing that the historical power of the victim to police, prosecute, and punish offenders significantly informed the development of the modern criminal law and justice system. Leading to the repositioning of the victim into the twenty-first century, this book advocates the victim as an agent of change, presenting a new perspective for the relevance of the victim in today's justice system.
Edited by: stovokor - 9 June 2009