What a World: Amazing Stories from Around the Globe 1 Ïåðâàÿ êíèãà èç ñåðèè, îïèñûâàþùåé ðàçëè÷íûå çàíèìàòåëüíûå ìåñòà èëè èñòîðèè èç ðàçíûõ ñòðàí èëè èç ïðîøëîãî. Òåêñòû, ðàáîòà íàä âîêàáóëÿðîì, äèñêóññèè, ïèñüìåííûå çàäàíèÿ, à òàêæå óïðàæíåíèÿ íà ïðàâîïèñàíèå è ïóíêòóàöèþ.
What a World: Amazing Stories from Around the Globe, by Milada Broukal, is a three-book series that explores these and many other fascinating topics from around the world and across history. Each unit opens with a question that is answered in the reading and continues with vocabulary, comprehension, discussion, writing, and spelling and punctuation work.
The World Factbook is the reliable and extremely popular source of
information on all the nations of the world. It provides up-to-date,
valuable data for more than 250 countries and territories in a concise,
well-organized format wherever and whenever you want. Each country
entry has its own high-resolution, full-color map and flag picture. The
World Factbook also provides interesting chapters for our changing
planet, oceans and parts of the world whose status has not yet been
resolved (e.g., West Bank, Spratly Islands). Topics addressed include
natural resources, industries, GDP, religion, ethnic groups, legal
system and much more. Key data are grouped under the headings of
introduction/background, geography, people, government, economy,
communications, transportation, military, transnational issues. The
World Factbook is a must-have application for those who possess a
curiosity or concern about the rapidly changing world in which we live.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Other | 14 July 2008
Every year in America there are thousands of fatal accidents in the home—more than on the roads, and many more than in the great outdoors. Fire, electricity, water, gas, sharp knives, poisons, chemicals—these valuable tools can quickly become dangerous weapons when not treated with proper respect and understanding. Add to these the risks of travel, terrorism, muggings, rape, tsunamis, and earthquakes. We are constantly reminded that the world is a dangerous place. Wiseman shows readers how to think realistically and practically about these perils in order to avoid them, whether they are at home, on the street, in school, or in transit. From self-defense techniques to home security systems to coping with natural disasters, this book will teach readers to recognize risks, make quick decisions, and live confidently in the modern urban world. 100 color illustrations.
Glencoe World History
Glencoe World History is a full-survey world history program authored by a world-renowned historian, Jackson Spielvogel, and the National Geographic Society. Experiencing world history and understanding its relevance to the modern world is the goal of this program. The program addresses the importance of motivating students and engaging them in meaningful learning—learning that links the past with issues confronting young people today. Glencoe World History addresses student learning on many levels and encourages the reader to become actively involved with the beautifully presented content.
This book begins by giving you a geographic snapshot of the world as a whole, often using the United States as a point of comparison. It then takes you on a tour of the earth’s seven continents and 191 countries. You’ll learn about places and people, landscapes and languages. You’ll learn about the largest and smallest, the highest and lowest, and the hottest and coldest. You’ll learn which countries are growing, and which are shrinking, and why. You’ll see how we depend on other parts of the world for so many of the products we use in our part of the world.