World Literature and Its Times, Volume 1 Latin American Literature and Its Times: Profiles of Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events That Influenced Them Latin American literature attracted unprecedented global attention in the 1960s, a volatile period in the region, one in which many of its residents were upset or challenged by the success of revolution in Cuba. Debate raged furiously across national borders, calling into question relationships long regarded as inviolable, with writers factoring themselves into the political and ...
Uneasy Alliance illuminates the recent search in literary studies for a new interface between textual and contextual readings. Written in tribute to G.A.M. Janssens, the twenty-one essays in the volume exemplify a renewed awareness of the paradoxical nature of literary texts both as works of literary art and as documents embedded in and functioning within a writer’s life and culture.
Jewish Americans have produced some of the most imaginative, provocative, and widely read literary works of the twentieth century. These works reflect the hopes and dreams of Jewish Americans, as well as their challenges and troubles. These works help students understand the cultural and historical events central to Jewish Americans in the twentieth century. This book gives an introduction to ten masterpieces of Jewish American literature.
This encyclopedia covers Morrison's works, characters, locations, themes (e.g., Children), and general topics (e.g., Oprah's Book Club). The alphabetically arranged entries are the work of 52 contributors. Also included is a 14-page selected bibliography citing Morrison's novels, essays, stories, and interviews, as well as criticism on Morrison's works selected from books and articles. Typically, articles on themes, general topics, and works span several pages, while entries on characters and locations range from one sentence to one paragraph. A list of references concludes many, but not all, entries.
Akimbo and The Elephants Alexander McCall Smith Reader: Alexander McCall Smith Audio Length: 54 min. MP3 320kbps. 130 mb On the African game preserve where his father works, Akimbo devises a dangerous plan to capture a ring of elephant poachers.