Helps students learn about family life in Shakespeare's world and works. This book looks at the classical and medieval background of family life in the Early Modern era. It also examines issues related to family life across a broad range of Shakespeare's works.
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Jewish-American writing holds an essential place in America's literary tradition, and Jewish-American writers have flourished in many genres, including fiction, drama, poetry, and more. "Encyclopedia of Jewish-American Literature" examines hundreds of these authors and works, focusing on those that are part of the high school and college curriculum, as well as the historically significant and contemporary.
Hispanic-American literature has a venerable history and has dramatically increased in importance and popularity in today's literary circles. "Encyclopedia of Hispanic-American Literature" is a comprehensive new encyclopedia covering authors and works that are an integral part of the high school and college literary canon, as well as those that are historically significant and gaining a reputation. This comprehensive one-volume resource contains approximately 250 entries on some of the most popular Hispanic-American authors and their works.
An essential encyclopedic reference, "Encyclopedia of African-American Literature" guides readers through the rich history of African-American writing. More than 500 engaging entries cover the people, works, and events that have come to define African-American literature. This invaluable resource includes such authors as James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Langston Hughes, Gayl Jones, Ralph Ellison, and Gloria Naylor, and major works such as "A Raisin in the Sun", "Native Son, "The Color Purple", and "Invisible Man".