Rethinking the BSE Crisis: A Study of Scientific Reasoning under Uncertainty
In 1986, the emergence of a novel brain disease in British cattle presented a unique challenge to scientists. How that challenge was addressed has been the subject of a public inquiry and numerous academic studies conducted to date. However, none of these investigations has sought to examine the reasoning of scientists during this critical period in the public health of the UK.
The Fortress in the Age of Vauban and Frederick the Great, 1680-1789
This is an excellent work that covers a vast topic well. In addition to technical developments in military engineering and the weapons driving it, this book gives a good overview of the social, economic, and political climate under which this occurs.
Introverted and shy, 14-year-old Leah Nells has lived her life alone, with only books to keep her company. As she starts 9th grade, she finds herself lost within the complicated social universe of high school — especially when she falls in love with a boy from her class. Under pressure from her parents, her classmates, and the whole noisy world, can she become the girl she wants to be?
A Power to Do Justice: Jurisdiction, English Literature, and the Rise of Common Law
English law underwent rapid transformation in the sixteenth century, in response to the Reformation and also to heightened litigation and legal professionalization. As the common law became more comprehensive and systematic, the principle of jurisdiction came under particular strain
1,001 Celestial Wonders to See Before You Die: The Best Sky Objects for Star Gazers
1,001 Celestial Wonders is a guide to the night sky's brightest and most fascinating objects. Each target is accessible to amateur astronomers using medium-sized telescopes from a dark site. In fact, many are so bright they remain visible under moderate light pollution, as from the outskirts of a city or the suburbs of a town.