Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, Third Edition (Methodology in the Social Sciences)
This bestselling text provides a balance between the technical and practical aspects of structural equation modeling (SEM). Using clear and accessible language, Rex B. Kline covers core techniques, potential pitfalls, and applications across the behavioral and social sciences. Some more advanced topics are also covered, including estimation of interactive effects of latent variables and multilevel SEM. The companion Web page offers downloadable syntax, data, and output files for each detailed example for EQS, LISREL, and Mplus, allowing readers to view the results of the same analysis generated by three different computer tools.
English File Intermediate Plus Teacher's Book Third Edition
A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition - the best way to get your students talking. The English File concept remains the same - fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the r ight mix of language, motivation, and opportunity - but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers.
Assumed dead, Lady Anne Jocelyn meets varying degrees of welcome when she returns from Occupied France to her old life in England. Though her husband Sir Philip is not overjoyed to see her, he agrees to a trial reunion. But a murder raises his doubts, and then a second and third send Miss Silver to a curious consideration of life after death.
A blend of completely new lessons, updated texts and activities, together with the refreshing and fine-tuning of some favourite lessons from New English File - English File third edition provides the right mix oflanguage, motivation, and opportunity WB audio added Thanks to ripley