A perfect tool for both teachers and students, for it provides them with paragrahs full of spoken (REAL) language - vocabulary & grammar - written and brought by Richard Vaughan - a person whose name in Spain has long become a synonym of THE BEST English teacher. It's a big fun learning and even bigger one teaching English having these materials at one's disposal. Enjoy!!Is meant forSpanish speakers
Assessment practice has been expanding over the last ten years to include a wide range of approaches; assessment policy has also taken center stage in the process of raising educational standards and driving curriculum change. This book analyses these new developments and rethinks some of the key issues.
This lively guide introduces the key hand shapes and gestures you need to communicate in British Sign Language. The illustrations depict both the actions and facial expressions used to sign accurately, while the companion CD-Rom features real-life BSL conversations in action to further your understanding. With these practical tools, you’ll become an expert signer in no time!
Another information-packed, time-saving tool for teachers from the authors of Novels and Plays, this book contains 30 teaching guides for some of the best literature commonly taught in grades 6-12. With activities, discussion questions, writing assignments, and interdisciplinary extensions, these are complete lesson plans.
The latest guidance on challenging and controversial aspects of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the US and Europe. Thousands of people are diagnosed with the disease every year and nearly half of these die as a result. As colorectal cancer is curable when detected early, a significant proportion of these deaths could be prevented by earlier diagnosis.