Added by: nextek | Karma: 932.45 | Black Hole | 9 October 2009
BusinessWeek Magazine prepares you to succeed in today's complex economy. You'll find in-depth coverage of the latest trends in technology, finance and management.
Popular Science Magazine: for the very definition of what’s new and cutting edge, look no further than Popular Science. Covering the latest developments in electronics, communications, cars, tools, aviation, space exploration, science, energy, photography and technology, this magazine is an indispensable resource for those who want to keep up with our ever-changing world.
Architeñtural Recîrd is your in-depth guide to contemporary architectural design, practice and technology. Each issue offers detailed perspectives of the most interesting projects from around the world. In addition, comprehensive coverage of noteworthy new products and technology will keep you both informed and inspired.
Popular Mechanics is a well-known magazine providing a variety of information on home improvement, automotive needs, electronics, computers, telecommunications ... . The regular topical sections are automotive, home, outdoors, science, and technology. A recurring column is "Jay Leno's Garage" featuring observations by the famed late-night talk show host and vehicle enthusiast.
Are you ready to integrate technology into your classroom? Instructional Technology and Media for Learning will guide you as you begin to incorporate computer technology and other media into your teaching.